Malaysia durian king of fruits

Malaysia Durian: The King of Fruits (or at least the King of Stinking Up Your Kitchen)

Durian is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia and is especially popular in Malaysia. It is known for its spiky exterior and strong, pungent smell, which has earned it the nickname "king of fruits." Despite its unappealing scent, durian is beloved by many for its creamy, rich flesh and unique flavor.

The (infamous) King of Fruits

When asking Malaysian what food to try in Malaysia, the chances are locals will recommend durian. If you’ve never had the pleasure (or misfortune, depending on who you ask) of trying durian, then let us be the first to tell you: Malaysia’s durian is like no other.

First of all, it’s important to note that durian is known for its pungent smell, which has been described as everything from rotten onions to sewage. But don’t let that deter you! The smell may be off-putting, but the flavor is heavenly.

Now, let’s get to the good stuff: how is Malaysia’s durian different from other countries’ durian? Well, for starters, it’s simply the best. No seriously, Malaysians are extremely proud of their durian and they believe it’s the creme de la creme of the durian world.

But in all seriousness, there are a few key differences between Malaysia’s durian and durian from other countries. One major difference is the variety of durian that is grown in Malaysia. Malaysia has a wide range of durian species, each with its own distinct flavor and texture. From the creamy D24 to the rich and bittersweet Musang King, there’s a durian for every palate.

The Variants and Their Characteristics

i. Musang King

Musang King is a type of durian that is especially popular in Malaysia. It is known for its large size, yellowish-brown color, and creamy flesh, and is often considered one of the best-tasting durians. It is also one of the most expensive varieties, due to its high demand. The reason for its popularity is likely due to its unique flavor and high quality. Many people consider Musang King to be the “king of durians” due to its superior taste and texture.

ii. Red Prawn

It gets its name from its reddish-brown color and prawn-like shape and is known for its sweet, buttery flesh. It is often considered one of the best-tasting durians and is highly prized for its flavor. The reason for its popularity is likely due to its unique taste and high quality. Many people in Malaysia consider Red Prawn to be one of the best durian varieties due to its delicious flavor and creamy texture.

iii. D24

It is named after the 24 chromosomes it has (most other plants have 23) and has a smooth, yellow flesh that is known for its rich, creamy texture and sweet flavor. It is a high-quality durian variety and is highly sought after by durian lovers in Malaysia.

iv. Golden Phoenix

Named after its golden-yellow flesh and is known for its sweet, delicate flavor. It is one of the smaller durian varieties, but it is still highly prized for its taste. The reason for its popularity is likely due to its unique flavor and high quality.

v. Black Thorn

It gets its name from its black, spiky exterior, and is known for its sweet, creamy flesh. It is a medium-sized durian and is considered to be of good quality, it is also among the most expensive durians among its peers.

Give It A Try (The Odds Are You Will Not Like Its Smell At First)

Another difference is the way the durian is prepared and served. In Malaysia, it’s not uncommon to see durian being sold by the side of the road, freshly opened and ready to be devoured. Malaysian also have a variety of durian-based desserts, such as durian ice cream and durian crepes.

No matter which type of durian you choose, be prepared for its strong, pungent smell. Some people love it, while others can’t stand it, but one thing is for sure: durian is a unique and beloved fruit in Malaysia, and it is definitely worth trying at least once.

So, if you’re a durian lover (or even if you’re just a little curious), make sure to give Malaysia’s durian a try. Just be prepared for the smell… and the stares of disgust from your non-durian-loving friends. But trust us, it’s worth it.

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